Custom Domain (CNAME)

CNAME, or Canonical Name is an entry in the Domain Name System (DNS) record that contains the address of your web page. With CNAME, you can link a custom domain to your blog.

CNAME feature is available on one of the following tariff plans: PRO; PRO+; Teams; Education Organizations; Enterprise; One Time Event; AppSumo Tier 3; AppSumo Tier 4; Education Advanced.

To do this on Interacty, Sign in to your profile on

Interacty Sign In form

Click on the gear icon next to the published project you need:

Gear icon near Interacty project

Note that to use CNAME feature your project must be published.

Select Manage domains:

Manage domains button on Interacty platform

You will see a new window. Enter a domain name which you want to use for your project and click Add:

Manage custom domains window on Interacty

You can even add multiple domains, if needed.

Click Remove button if you have made a mistake or just want to delete a domain from the list:

Removing custom domains on Interacty

Then, go to your DNS provider website to add a new CNAME record (1), enter your domain name (2) and target link (3). You can add subdomains or keep the main one by using the "@" symbol:

Interacty CNAME

Remember that you will not be able to create a CNAME type record if there already exists a type A record with the same name.

To get a target link, turn back to and copy your project address by clicking this button:

Copying Interacty project address

Paste your project address to the target field. After that you can Add your record:

Adding Interacty CNAME record

Note that activation period depends on your DNS provider and can range from 5 minutes to 48 hours.

Perfectly done! You can test how it works by typing the web address into the address bar in your browser:

Deonstration of a custom domain on Interacty platform

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