Creating a Spin the Wheel: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, you will learn how to create a "Spin the Wheel" interactive mechanic, a digital tool that emulates the classic fortune wheel game in a digital format. This versatile tool adds excitement to various contexts, enhancing customer engagement in business through promotions, contests, and giveaways while gathering valuable customer data. In the realm of education, it gamifies lessons and assignments, making learning interactive and engaging for students. Let's begin our tutorial.

Step 1: Sign In

First, sign in to your profile to get started.

Interacty login form

To create a Spin the Wheel interactive tool, click on the Template Gallery button at the top of the screen.

Interacty Template Gallery button

Next, select Spin the Wheel.

Spin the Wheel game mechanic on Interacty

Step 3: Choose a Template

You'll be presented with a variety of templates. You can either start from an empty template or select a pre-made one and customize it according to your needs. Click Preview to view the template, and when you've found the one that suits your requirements, confirm your choice by clicking the Edit button. For the sake of this tutorial, we'll begin with a simple, blank template to guide you through the entire process of creating a spinning wheel from scratch.

Spin the wheel templates on Interacty platform

Step 4: Customize Your Wheel

Now that you're in the editor, let's start by clicking on the wheel to access the initial settings. On the right side of your screen, you can choose the color of your wheel, the color scheme, and the font.

Customizing your Spinning Wheel on Interacty platform

Additionally, you can embed a lead form in your project, a valuable feature for businesses. You can also set up a call to action button and redirect options, which can direct users to your website after spinning the wheel.

Adding a lead form to your spinning wheel on Interacty platform

Step 5: Edit Wheel Sections

Next, it's time to customize the sections of your wheel. Click the Edit button to begin.

Edit button that allows you to begin editing your spinning wheel on Interacty

Number of Sectors: You can choose between 2 and 12 sectors for your wheel.

Setting up the number of sectors for your spinning wheel on Interacty platform

Sector Type: You can switch between text and images. Text is suitable for offering discounts or educational content, while images work well for product displays or visual elements. For our wheel, let's select text.

Switching between text and image sectors on your Spinning Wheel on Interacty platform

Center Image: You can upload a logo or any relevant image. Just click Change and upload your desired image.

Uploadiing a logo to your Spinning Wheel on Interacty

Animation Time: By default, the wheel takes 10 seconds to spin before coming to a halt. You can adjust this setting as needed.

Choosing an animation  time for your spinning wheel on Interacty

Show Cover: This optional setting adds an introductory screen before the fortune wheel, allowing you to convey essential information to users.

Show cover button for the spinning wheel on Interacty

Step 6: Set Text for Sections

Now, let's proceed to set the text for your wheel sections. Click Next to view the list of your sectors. In our case, there are twelve. Switch to each section and customize them. For example, you can set the text that appears on the wheel, such as "20% Off." You can also define the message displayed when the wheel stops on a particular section.

Customizing sectors for your spinning wheel on Interacty

Repeat this process for all sections to fill your wheel. Once you've finished, click Save.

Saving your spinning wheel on Interacty platform

Step 7: Customize Appearance

If desired, you can change the background color or add an image to alter the visual presentation of your project.

Customizing appearance of your spinning wheel created on Interacty platform

Let's make our project look even more attractive by adding a header image.

Adding a header image to your spinning wheel on Interacty

Step 8: Preview and Evaluate

Click Preview to assess your project's current state. Test your fortune wheel and ensure it looks good on various devices. If you identify any errors or wish to make changes, return to the Editor by selecting this menu option.

Take a look at your ready spinning wheel created on Interacty platform

Step 9: Name Your Project and Publish

Now, give your project a title, for instance, Fortune Wheel. Afterward, click the Publish button.

Changing the title of your Interacty Spinning Wheel project

Step 10: Share Your Project

Your project is now ready to be shared with your audience. You can send a link or embed it on your website. To view your project, click View Project.

Sharing your Spin the Wheel game with your audience

Keep in mind that you can always return to edit your template by clicking the Edit button in the My Projects tab. You can also access statistics by clicking the appropriate button.

Edit button on Interacty

Best of luck with your project!

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