How to embed your project in Wordpress

If you want to embed an Interacty game/quizz to your Wordpress article, follow this quick guide:

While editing your Wordpress project, create a new block by clicking plus icon:

clicking on plus icon for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

Scroll the left menu down until you see Widgets section. Find Custom HTML block:

demonstration of how custom html button looks for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

Click and drag Custom HTML block to the area you want:

demonstration of dragging

You will see a new window for HTML code:

demonstration of a new window appeared

To find this code on Interacty, sign in to your profile, and click Share/Embed button next to the project you want to embed:

clicking share/embed button for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

Select Embed in your Website or LMS option:

selecting embedding in your website for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

Click Copy Code button next to the code you need:

clicking copy code button for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

Turn back to Wordpress page and paste your code:

paste your interacty code to wordpress

It's done! You can switch to Preview mode to see your quiz:

demonstration of a preview button for embedding your interacty project in wordpress

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