How to format your text


To add a text to your project, click on Plus icon first:

adding a text to your project on Interacty

Select Text block:

All blocks interface on Interacty

You will see a new block on top of the main project window. Select this block and start writing your text:

new text block on Interacty

It's possible to add emoji to your text. To do this, we recommend you to use special services, like emojipedia.

To change the font, select and highlight the text first. Then, change the font by clicking on the first tab above:

changing the font on Interacty

You can format each word or even a letter separately by simply highlighting it.

You can also change the size of your text, by clicking on the second tab. Let's make this text a bit bigger (30px):

customizing a text on Interacty

Last step is move this text to the center:

customizing the text on Interacty

Perfect. Our text is ready:

Text tool on Interacty

If you want to add one more text block but prefer to save the style of your text, just clone it by clicking the appropriate button:

cloning your text on Interacty

You will see a copy of your block. Now you can change the text but text style will remain the same:

cloning your text in Interacty online editor

If you've made a mistake, press Ctrl+Z to undo an action. To redo an undone action, press Ctrl+Y


Additional settings

You can bold, italicise or underline your text by using these buttons:

additional features on Interacty

Change the color of the text or background:

Changing the color of the text or background on Interacty

To change a line spacing or apply multilevel numbering use these sections:

changing a line spacing or apply multilevel numbering on Interacty

Last two buttons is for add a hyperlink to your text or cancel all changes:

adding a hyperlink to your text or cancel all changes explained on Interacty

To learn how to add a hyperlink to your text, check this article.

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