Project sharing options

The Sharing Options feature offers users the ability to customize how their posts appear on social networks. This feature is indispensable for individuals and businesses aiming to maintain a consistent and professional online presence. By adjusting titles, descriptions, images, and favicons, users can ensure their content stands out and aligns with their branding.

Here's how to set sharing options for your project:

Navigate to the Sharing Options tab and click the Edit button.

project sharing options on Interacty

You also have the option to create a custom project ID for your Interacty project, providing further personalization. Learn more about this feature and how to implement it in your projects by checking out this article.

Change the title and description according to your needs.

setting up the project sharing options on Interacty

To add an image cover, click the Change Image button.

add an image cover to your Interacty project

The recommended image resolution is 1200 x 630 pixels, and the file size should not exceed 10 MB.

If needed, change the default favicon by clicking on the Change favicon button. The favicon is a small icon displayed in a web browser's address bar or next to the page's name in a bookmark list, serving as a visual representation of your website.

change favicon for your project on Interacty

Here you can also check the Optimize for large displays checkbox. Enabling this setting removes the margin between the top of the screen and the project, ensuring an optimal full-screen display for a visually appealing user experience on larger screens.

checking the Optimize for large displays checkbox

Save your changes by clicking the Save button.

saving your project on Interacty

Congratulations! You have now successfully personalized the appearance of your post for social media sharing. 🎉

If you've followed these steps and don't see the changes when sharing the link on your social media, you can try:

  • Clearing your browser cache.

  • Using a different browser.

  • Simply waiting a few minutes.

It's possible that social platforms may take some time to apply these adjustments.

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