Unsplash Library

Unsplash is a website of free stock photography. You can download free images and photos and use it for any project. It can be really useful for creators who doesn't have their own pictures for the project or for those who must finish his project fast to not spend much time on searching pictures.

Please note that we are required to keep owner's name next to the image.

How can I use it?

While you are in Add Image section, select Unsplash Library tab.

free image library on Interacty

You will get a direct access to the Unsplash stock photo service. Enter a subject into the search and select the image you like. Click Place Image.

placing image from free image library on Interacty

It's done! New picture will be added to your project.

a picture will be added to your project on Interacty demonstration

Used Unsplash pictures will be also saved in your library along with regular photos.

my library section on Interacty

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