How to Add a New Page?

Add a new page is an important tool when you want to create a huge project. You can use it in many ways, connect pages between each other and creating long and difficult games. To add a new page to your project, click Add Page.

Creating a new page in your Interacty project

Read the information and visit our blog if you want to find more about game campaigns. To add a page, click Create Page button.

Check useful links and continue creating new page in Interacty online editor

You will see a new page. You can add any block you want and keep creating your game.

New page has been added to your Interacty project

Moreover, you can connect your pages between each other.

Note that you must use one of these ways to link your pages together. Otherwise you won't be able to go to the second page after publishing the project. To learn how to connect your pages, check this article.

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